Friday, September 29, 2006


Doubling my Income - Sucess!

I've pretty much cracked it :-)

After a lot of tweaking AdSense has generated roughly $100 this week, with a solid high CPM on all pages. Check here to see what they look like. Whilst they are a little intrusive I don't think they ruin the look and feel of the site too much, but I'd like to hear what each of you think about that. The main things I did was intergrate the ADs with pictures and used section targetting to get more related topics showing up. I also turned off the 'advertise on this site' link at the bottom of each AD unit.

I was unhappy with my Reflexive affiliation to start. But after two weeks I've made 8 sales which I don't think is too bad. Slow to start as some people don't buy straight away, but after leaving it a while those sales have come through. Great thing about Reflexive if that even if the user I send to them doesn't like that particular game, if they then find something else they like I get credited for that sale aswell. 2 of the 8 sales are games I'm not even advertising.

Direct sales of my own games are still going at their usual rate of about 15 per month despite the Ads and the Reflexive games.

So all in all, assuming everything keeps up I will have more than doubled my monthly income from, from about $300 (direct sales) to $830. Infact thats not far off of triple :-) With my portal and affiliate sales that brings my average monthly indie income up to about $1300.

Now if I can just nail the doubling of my traffic by Christmas that $1300 would become $2100. That would mean if all my freelance work suddenly dried up tommorow I could still actually afford to pay the bills, rent, food for me and my girlfriend and maybe have a little extra beer money. As far as I'm concerned that would make me a sucessful indie =D

Congrats, interesting story and succsss!
It looks like you are finally doing something sales wise :) Having so many games released and struggling with $300 per month revenue after 2.5 years really sucks ;-)
Congrats with your success!

I really like the way you've integrated adsense, and it's interesting to see that it didn't decrease your sales.
the last few posts of yours has given me some motivation of sorts, as I am trying to increase traffic to my game dev site Your google ad integration is pretty slick, I think I might have to steal some of your ideas :)

good luck increasing your traffic and profit even more! All hail the indie game developers!
Thanks for sharing. Stories like this are inspiring to beginners like myself.
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